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Graph of human progress over time showing exponential growth
Graph showing differences in trajectories based on past vs exponential growth of human progress

Abramovay, Ricardo (2017). "Blade Runner é hoje – Os replicantes estão chegando." Folha de São Paulo, April 2. 

Acemoglu, Daron and William Janeway (2020). "The Future of Work | Meaningful Integration or Jobless Future?" Institute for New Economic Thinking, webinar, December 2, video, 1h28s.

Anderson, Berit and Brett Horvath (2017). "The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine." Scout AI, February 9.


Artificial Intelligence, Wikipedia. ​


Brynjolfsson, Erik (2017). "AI and the Economy." Presentation at Future of Life Institute's Beneficial AI 2017 conference, Asilomar, CA. Video, 24m42s.


Bloomberg (2014). Elon Musk: "How I Became The Real 'Iron Man'". Video, 44m50s.


Chaturvedi, Ravi, Ajay Bhalla, and Bhaskar Chakravorti (2017). "These are the world's mot digitally advanced countries." World Economic Forum, July 18

Chui, Michael et al. (2018). Applying AI for Social Good. McKinsey Global Institute, December. Summary with video and live links.


Diamandis, Peter H. and Steven Kotler (2012). Abundance: The Future is Better than You Think. New York: Free Press.  


Diamandis, Peter  H. and Steven Kotler (2015). Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World. New York: Free Press.

Diamandis, Peter H. and Steven Kotler (2020). The Future is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industroes, and Our Lives. New York: Simon and Schuster.


Diamandis, Peter H. (2017). "6 D's of Exponential Growth". Video, 3m40s.

Diamandis, Peter H. and Ray Kurzweil (2018). "Transforming Humanity in the 21st Century". Video, 1hr13m.

Docherty, Neil and David Fanning (2019). In the Age of AI. PBS Frontline, Season 2019 Episode 17. Video 1h54m16s


Drum, Kevin (2018). "Tech World: Welcome to the Digital Revolution". Foreign Affairs, July/August

Elsevier Artificial Intelligence Program (2018). Artificial Intelligence Resource Center. July 18

Eloundou, Tyna et al (2023). "GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models". March 27.

Estep, Preston (2017). "The Simplistic Debate Over Artificial Intelligence: AI might bring doom, but so might we...if we remain independent." Psycology Today, October 25.

Ethics of artificial intelligence, Wikipedia.


Future of Life Institute (2017). "Implications of AI for the Economy and Society." Panel discussion with Andrew McAfee, Eric Schmidt, Reid Hoffman, and Jeffrey Sachs, moderated by Erik Brynjofsson at the Beneficial AI 2017 conference, Asilomar, CA. Video, 40m02s.

Future of Life Institute (2017). The 23 Asilomar Artificial Intelligence Principles.


Gershgorn, Dave (2017). "A Massive AI partnership is tapping civil rights and economic experts to keep AI Safe." Quartz, January 27. 

Harari, Yuval Noah (2017). Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. London: Penguin Random House/Vintage. 

Husain, Amir (2017).  The Sentient Machine: The Coming Age of Artificial Intelligence. New York: Simon and Schuster.


Keen, Andrew (2018). How to Fix the Future. New York: Grove Atlantic.


Kelly, Kevin (2017). "The AI Cargo Cult: The Myth of a Superhuman AI.", April 25. 

Kinder, Molly (2018). "Learning to Work with Robots: AI will change everything. Workers miust adapt--or else". Foreign Policy, July 18.

Knight, Peter T. (2019). "Innovation for Sufficiency and Sustainability: Proposal for a Mass Media Moonshot."

Korinek, Anton and Megan Juelfs (2022). "Preparing for the (non-existent?) future of work." Brookings Center on Regulation and Markets Working Paper #3. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, August.

Kurzweil, Ray (2005). The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. New York: Viking Penguin.

Kurzweil, Ray (2012). How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed. New York: Viking Penguin.

Kurzweil, Ray (2016). "Predictions for 2020s with Ray Kurzweil." Video 14m.

Lee, Kai-Fu (2018). AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

McKinsey Global Institute (2019). The Future of Work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow. New York: McKinsey & Company, July.

Muro, Mark, Jacob Wilson, and Robert Maxim (2019). "What jobs are affected by AI? Better-paid, better-educated workers face the most exposure" Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, November 20.

Musk, Elon (2017). Interview with Elon Musk (4 parts): on AI, Our 5-10 Future, Sustainable Energy, Taking Humanity Multiplanetary, Regulation of Business and… in the National Governors Association Summer Meeting in Rhode Island.  July 15. Video, 59m3s.

Naam, Ramez (2005). More than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement. New York: Random House.

Naam, Ramez (2012-2015). The Nexus Trilogy (Nexus: Install, Crux: Upgrade, and Apex: Connect). Nottingham, UK: Angry Robot Books.


Naam, Ramez (2017). Exponential Disruption meets Exponential Organizations. How Technology Disrupts – and How To Adapt, Survive, and Thrive. January 15. Video17m8s.

Naam, Ramez (2018). Future of Energy / Exponential Energy. May 25, SingularityU Czech Summit 2018. Video 39m9s.

Paine, Chris (2018). Do You Trust This Computer? Documentary film 1h18m.

PWC (2018). Workforce of the future The competing forces shaping 2030. London: PWC People and Organisation.

Reich, Robert (2017). "Preparing Our Economy for the Impact of Automation & AI". Talks at Google. Video, 55m25s.


Rifkin, Jeremy (2014). The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism.

Rifkiin, Jeremy (1917). "A history of the future -- the world in 2025-31." Talk at the European Central Bank. Video 1hr04m13s.

Rometti, Gini and Fareed Zakaria (2017). IBM CEO Ginni Rometty on Artificial Intelligence. Conversation at World Economic Forum. Video, 26m50s.


Ross, Alec (2016). The Industries of the Future. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Russell, Stuart (2017). "3 Principles for creating safer AI." Ted Talk, TED 2017, April. Video, 17m35s

Schwab, Klaus (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. New York: Penguin Random House. See a promotional video

Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2017). "Robotics, AI, and the Macro-Economy." Presentation at Future of Life Institute's Beneficial AI 2017 conference, Asilomar, CA. Video 40m33s.

Schmidt, Eric and Gideon Lewis-Krause (2017). "The Great A.I. Awakening: Conversation with Eric Schmidt." RSA Conference 2017. Video 40m30s.


Singularity University (2017). Global Grand Challenges.

Singularity University (2019). The Exponential Guide to Artificial Intelligence. Includes a 2018 video of a lecture by Ray Kurzweil, The Future of Intelligence in MIT's course 6.S099 on Artificial General Intelligence. 52m28s.

TED Talk (2017). Chris Anderson interviews Elon Musk. Video, 40m54s.


The University, Trailer, video 3m35s for a documentary film on Singularity University

Urban, Tim (2015). "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence." Wait But Why, January 22. 

Urban, Tim (2015). "The AI Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction." Wait But Why, January 27.  

Urban, Tim (2017). "Neuralink and the Brain's Magical Future." Wait But Why, April 20. 

Vance, Ashlee (2015). Elon Musk: Tesla, Space X, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. New York: Harper Collins.


World Economic Forum (2017). Global Risks Report 2017, Part 3: Emerging Technologies, 3.2 Assessing the Risk of Artificial Inteligence


Yunus, Muhammad (2017). A World of Three Zeros: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions. New York: Public Affairs.

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