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A Resilient and Resource-Wise Europe: Sufficiency at the Heart of Europe's Future. March 2024

Associés por l'Instauration du Revenue d'Existence


Basic Income, Wikipedia.

Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN).

Bidadanure, Juliana (2019). "The Political Theory of Universal Basic Income." Annual Review of Political Science 22:481-501.

Callmer, Asa (2019). Making sense of sufficiency: Entries, practices and politics. Doctoral thesis in Planning and Decision  Analysis. Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and the Built Environment.


Clifford, Catherine (2016). "Elon Musk says robots will push us to a universal basic income: here's how it would work." CNBC video, November 18. 

Crocker, Goeff (2020). Basic Income and Sovereign Money: The Alternative to Economic Crisis and Austerity Policy. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Pivot. 

Crocker, Geoff (2021). FRIBIS Conference 2021 - Debt Free Sovereign Money UBI. Video 1h38m30s.


Dietz, Bob and Dan O'Neill (2013). Enough is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources. San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler.


Eco-sufficiency, Wikipedia.

Enough is Enough: Full Film (2014). Video, 18m34s. 

Gentilini, Ugo, Margaret Grosh, Jamele Rigolini, and Ruslan Yemtsov, eds. (2020). Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to
Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices
. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Global Map of UBI Networks.

Gonzalez, Sarah Berger and Juliana Bidadanure (2020). Universal Basic Income: What's in a Name? Stanford Basic Income Lab, August.


Hasdell, Rebeca (2020). "What we know about Universal Basic Income: A cross-synthesis of reviews. Stanford, CA: Basic Income Lab, July. 

Huff, Gerald (2018). Crisis: 2038: A Novel.

Jauhiainen, Antti and Joona-Hermanni Mäkinen (2017). "Why Finland's Basic Income Experiment Isn't Working." New York  Times, July 20.

Kasy, Maximilian (2018). "Why a Universal Basic Income Is Better Than Subsidies of Low-Wage Work". Data for Progress, November 9.

Kilcoyne, Matt (2018). "Rising Evidence for Universal Basic Income." Includes link to a report by Otho Lento (2018) "Basic Income Around the World: The Unexpected Benefits of Unconditional Basic Income".

Knight, Peter T. (2019). "Andrew Yang's Campaign for President of the United States." Paper prepared for the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) 19th Congress, Hyderabad, India, August 22-25, 2019. August 8.

Knight, Peter T. (2019). "Universal Basic Income in the Asia and Pacific Region: Q&A with Peter Knight, Fernand Braudel Institute of World Economics".  Video 4m31s.

Knight Peter T. (2021). "State-Level UBI and Guaranteed Income Initiatives in the U.S." US Basic Income Guarantee Blog, September 22.

Knight, Peter T. (2021). "History, Current Status and Future of Basic Income Discussions in the USA: Notes for a Video Presentation for the Second Global Virtual Basic Income March September 25, 2021."

Knight, Peter T. (2022). "Moving Toward a Federal Universal Basic Income in the United States". USBIG Discussion Paper No. 371.

Knight, Peter T. (2022). "Why We are Moving Toward a Federal Universal Basic Income in the United States". Paper presented at the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26-28 September.

Knight, Peter T.  (2023). "How Basic Income Disappeared from the Forward Party's Core Principles and How to Get It Back." Paper presented at the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress, Seoul, Korea, August 23-26.

Lowrey, Annie (2017). "The Future of Not Working." The New York Times, February 23. 

Machado, Daiane and Elizabeth Williamson et al. (2021). The Impact of a National Cash Transfer Programme on Reducing Suicide: A Study Using the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort.

Michaelis, Julia et al. (2024).  "Sufficiency as a 'Strategy of the Enough': Curbing ecological crises and injustices". GAIA 33:3 275-281.

Mokka, Roope and Katariina Rantanen (2017). "Basic income and the new universalism". Sitra, February 6.

O'Neil, Dan (2014). The Economics of Enough: Dan O'Neill at TEDxOxbridge. Video, 12m51s.


Payne, Richard K. ed. (2010).  How Much is Enough: Buddhism, Consumerism, and the Human Environment. Somerville, Massachusetts: Wisdom Publications.


Pickert, Reade (2019). "For 53 Million Americans in Low-Wage Jobs, a Difficult Way Out" Bloomberg. November 7.

Pinncen, Thomas (2005). The Logic of Sufficiency. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Reddit, Basic Income Community

Reddit, Basic Income FAQ/wiki.


Rifkin, Jeremy (2014). The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. New York: Palgrave McMillan. See also ""The Zero Marginal Cost Society" | Talks at Google. Video, 56m38s.


Robinson, Peter Rodes et al. UBI Master Directory. Directory to much that is known and discussed about UBI.

Rutland, Stacey and Peter T. Knight (2021). Income Movement: Building Coalitions to Support the Basic Income Movement in the United States. Paper prepared for the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) World Congress 2021, August 18-21, a virtual conference organized from Glasgow, Scotland.


Santens, Scott. Unconditional Basic Income 101.


Santens, Scott. Blog on UBI. Many articles and videos accessible from one page.

Santens, Scott (2018). It's Time for Technology to Serve all Humankind with Unconditional Basic Income  Medium, April 13.


Santens, Scott (2020). My Proposal for  an Emergency UBI That Transitions Into a Permanent UBI. April.

Santens, Scott (2020). My Response to Steve Forbes' UBI Explainer Video. August 24. Video 10m25s.

Santens, Scott (2021). “Why We Need Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and Why It Needs Universal Basic Income (UBI)”. Also available as a book, Let There Be Money: Understanding Modern Monetary Theory and Basic Income.


Schumacher, E.F. (1973). Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. New York: Harper and Row.

Skidelsky, Robert and Eduard (2012). How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life. New York: Other Press.


Standing, Guy (2011). The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. London and New York: Bloomsbury. 

Standing, Guy (2016). The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay. London: Biteback Publishing. See a video presentation (next item)

Standing, Guy (2016). Humans, Labour and Technology. Video presentation, 21m59s.

Standing, Guy (2018). "The Precariat: Today's Transformative Class?" October. See also "Debating the Precariat" an exchange between 11 critics with a reply by Guy Standing. October.

Standing, Guy (2019). The Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth. London: Penguin Books.

Standing, Guy (2020).  Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now. London: Bloomsbury

Standing, Guy (2020). Why Everyone Deserves a Basic Income. Sustainable Human. April 26. Video 5m29s.

Stanford Basic  Income Lab. Map of Universal Basic Income Experiments and Related Programs

Stanford Basic Income Lab. Visualizing UBI Research

Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (2016). The Future of Jobs and the Question of Basic Income. Panel discussion with Chris Hughes, co-Founder, Facebook; Sam Altman, President, Y Combinator; Juliana Bidadanure, Assistant Professor of :Philosophy, Stanford University; and Natalie Foster, Strategic Advisor to the Aspen Institute. December 19. Video, 42m33s.


The Economist (2016). "Universal basic incomes: Sighing for paradise to come." June 4. ​

The Steady Stater (1921). Rolling out the Doughnut Economy (with Kate Raworth). April 12, Podcast.

Van Parijs, Philippe and Yannick Vanderborght (2017). Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. See also a seminar at Stanford University: (video. 1h35m57s).

Warren, Dorian T. and Mia Birdsong (2018). Basic Income and Racial Justice. Stanford Basic Income lab (video 1h34m39s).

Wecktein, Richard (1962). "Welfare Criteria and Changing Tastes." American Econonic Review 52:1 pp. 133-153.

Widerquist, Karl (2018). A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments for Researchers, Policymakers, and Citizens. Palgrave  Macmillan.

Yang, Andrew (2018). The War on Normal People: The Truth About America's Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future. New York: Hachette Books.

Yang, Andrew (2021). Forward: Notes on the Future of our Democracy. New York: Crown.

Zwolinski, Matt (2013). "Why Did Hayek Support a Basic Income"., December 23.

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